The Editing in this section will be fast to indicate that the worker does not possess the normal amount of time to eat
· Establishing shot of a business worker getting up (down stairs)
· Medium shot of them opening the fridge and getting out a juice carton
· Close-up shot of them taking a glass out of the cupboard
· Close-up shot of them pouring out their drink
· Medium shot of them putting the carton on the side and reaching into another cupboard
· Close-up of the box of bars
· Back to the medium shot where they are putting the box down next to the glass of juice
· Extreme close-up of their hand as they reach into the box and pull out a bar
The editing will slow down and will give a feeling of being relaxed/ taking a break to indicate that it could be eaten at work – also it will draw attention to the cereal/ snack bar
· Extreme close-up shot of them unwrapping a bar
· Extreme close-up shot of them taking a bite out of the bar
· Close-up shot of them throwing the wrapper in the bin
The editing will speed up so that it shows that they are still busy
· Medium/ long shot of them finishing off their drink and walking out of the door
· Image of the bar and the logo appears on the screen, accompanied by the logo – “A Speedy Solution to Breakfast”