Friday, July 8, 2011

Treatment for the Advert

A smartly dressed business person walks into the kitchen and pours out a drink of a non-branded carton of fruit juice out of the fridge, they also get a glass out of the cupboard with everything they do is fast as if they are in a rush, this includes the editing.

The person then put the glass on the side, and return the carton to the fridge before opening another cupboard and pulling out a box of “Get up and Go” cereal bars that they put down next to the glass on the counter.

They take a single bar out of the box both the music and the person slow down as they eat – they take slow bites of the bar. They throw the wrapper in the bin and drink their juice as everything speeds back up again and they are back to being in a rush.

They then grab their bag/briefcase/laptop bag and swiftly leave. The image blurs as the tagline – “A speedy solution to breakfast” appears on screen, possibly with a voiceover.

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