Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Film Title

With our film we were stuck with what title we should give our creation; the main two ideas that we came up with were ‘Beneath the Trees’ or ‘The Picnic’, when we asked a round group of people the scores were equal and so there was no clear winner. Between the both of us we the decided upon ‘The Picnic’ as it seemed more eerie and seemed to show that something had gone wrong by using 'The' in front of the ‘Picnic’ this also signifies that something big happened to change what once was associated with a peaceful activity to one of horror and of suspense. The reason to why we did not use 'Beneath the Trees' was because it was too telling that something was going to happen and it seemed to be too in your face about it, were as 'The Picnic’ seemed to be more subtle and still had a link to the original text but not completely so that it made it more original.

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