Monday, November 14, 2011

Filming Schedule


Sunday 13th - Here we filmed the scene were you see the characters entering the woods; also today we filmed the picnic scenes and some of the running scenes.
Tuesday 15th - We will edit the filming which we got on the 13th and then plan on what we need to film for the 20th
Sunday 20th - We filmed the sacrifice scene but we changed are original plan and drew a pentagram on the ground; as the fake blood was not thick enough and the colour was not as prominent, so it did not show on the trunk.

Tuesday 22th - We will edit the filming and decide if we need to do re-film any of the shots filmed earlier; but also we then decided (after viewing our work) that we needed some different shots and came up with different ideas; that we decided will shoot on the 22th to help to give more variety to our trailer.
Sunday 27th - We will film the new shots that we will add to give the trailer more variety; this consists of 12 new scenes/ or add-ons to the older clips (to segment in) or the clips that we could not do last week (the blood on the trunk).
Tuesday 29th - We will the edit the new clips and add this to the trailer; we will then start to think about the music that will accompany the trailer, as by now we will have more of an idea about the length of our trailer; we will also then decide whether we need to re-film any old clips, and also if we can come up with any other ideas that can be imputed into the trailer.
Wednesday 30th – We will use this unexpected time ( because of a teachers strike) to do any last filming of any new ideas; or if we over ran on time on the 27th then we will film any scenes not done in this time.

Thursday 1st – we will edit the clips all together to create our final trailer; also we will develop the music for the trailer and aim to have it completed by the end of the day.

1 comment:

  1. A good clear blog. Glad you have got going on the filming too!!

    Put some rushes onto your blog- un edited clips with some comments on the quality etc.
