Thursday, September 29, 2011

Detailed Story Idea


Our film trailer has been based on the children’s nursery rhyme “the Teddy Bears Picnic”. Like other nursery rhymes there is a sinister tone to parts of it; that inspired us to think of a creepy alternative to this popular tune, for example “Beneath the trees, where nobody sees, They'll hide and seek as long as they please …” this seems to be darker and would indicate something is amiss here.

Our story is about a young group of campers, who enter the wood were there has been a past history of killings; this is supposed to be a nice time enjoying nature, but this then changes into a night of hell. One of the girls starts to tell her friends of a story that involves a satanic ritual that happen in the very same wood, this unknown to them sets  of events that will change their attitude to the paranormal for ever, as they unknowing release a creature that has been forgotten by humanity and is hungry for flesh and blood. They happen to be in the same location that these horrific events took place; as they are ‘inspecting’ the tree one grazes their hand and blood is drawn, this is what brings the beast forward.

This then leads to an unforgettable night that will scar them forever; separated and alone, as they battle for their lives against an unprecedented enemy, in a wood that never seems to end, it seems uncertain whether they will survive the night …

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