Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Trailer Conventions

You need to show a knowledge and understanding of the key areas of studying, including:

·         Multimodal text/feature
·         Contentions
·         Structure
·         Voiceover
·         Close reading

Conventions of a Trailer
·         Voiceovers are used to tell the story and give information
·         The stars if the films are known are show cased
·         Key points are sometimes conveyed throughout titles (words on the screen)
·         Conversations between characters often consists of one liners
·         Dramatic camera angles may be chosen to show events or characters
·         Action is interspersed with an actor or director credits on the screen
·         Music plays an important role in creating atmosphere
·         The film’s title may not appear until the end
·         Montage (a series of shots from different points in the film, editing together) is often used to highlight the most dramatic, humorous or fast-paced aspects of the film
·         The trailer builds to a climax (where it ends)

Multi-media texts are film trailers (they're and example) as they make meaning through a powerful combination of different modes of communication:

·         Written text on screen
·         Spoken language
·         Moving images
·         Music
·         Sound effects

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