Sunday, March 18, 2012

Billing Block - Examples

What's Expected on a billing block:

·         Production company
·         Actors
·         Music composers
·         Casting director
·         Costume designers
·         Editor
·         Director of Photography
·         Written by
·         Produced by
·         Director by

what seems to be recurring with the billing block:
What seems to be very recurring is the elongated text; that has a narrow base, this seems to almost be stereo typical of a billing block, and would seem to be something that I might include on my poster.

Bel Ami
The contrast in the two colours (the grey and the white) would allow the text to be visible; but due to the size of the text it is hard to read, because the font is also short (in height) it also limits the viability. With the text; you have it in two different sizes, this is to try to help the visibility, but it does not really help the text, as the colour of the grey seems to melt into the background.
The colours used in the background are the black and the sandy colour; this contrasting with the white writing does not go very well against the sandy coloured, were as it is far more visible then the other colour. There are the different size of texts which help you focus on the people, not just their title (/role in creating the film).
Journey 2 - The Mysterious Island

Here the text is white with a dark background; this allows the text to be clearly read, even with the small text. What is different is that you have the image still visible even at this low shot; this adds some contrast. But because you still have the image visible; this does make it harder to find the right colour text, but as its dark it makes this easier to solve.
The Hunter Games

With the Hunters Games; the red writing is very striking against the black background, this automatically helps with the visibility of the writing. Even though the text is narrow; it is still easy to see (easier than some), the red then contrasts against the yellow writing, and this helps to draw your eye to this section of the poster.
Wrath of the Titans
With Wrath of the Titans you have the white writing against the black background; this makes it very clear and easy to read, and makes it very visible even though due to the small size.

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