Friday, March 16, 2012

Magazine Barcodes


To create the barcode for my film magazine front cover; I decided to create my own by using and internet resource, this for me was important as I did not want to copy a code off the internet as tehn it would have no relevance to my work, I wanted it to follow in the continuance so that it tied into my work. For this I searched on Google for a software package that did just that; it was here I found a good link that when copied would come up as a good quality image:
I had wanted to put a date on the barcode; but sadly that was not possible, this was due to the length of the code, so that not all of the text would have been able to be seen, so I settled for ‘NO.1 F1lms Magazine $2.50’ I had wanted to have my magazine price in Sterling (£) but the site would ot allow this, and so I had to opt for the American Dollar.
Mobile Tag - For Smart Phone

I then had an idea; that could I use something that would use modern technology to the link this magazine with something on the internet, I decided that it was more pertinent for it to be linked to my blog ( as this contained more work, as well as all the clips). To gain access to this kind of software I went on the search engine Google:

Then all I had to do was to give my QR-Code a name and to paste in the URL code, this then allowed me to have a unique code that linked in with my blog tying all of my work together.

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