Monday, March 12, 2012

Final Product - Film Trailer

For the trailer it seems like not a lot of work goes in to making one; I mean it’s only (on average) 2 minutes long. But actually it’s really hard to come up with innovative ideas; for the scenes that go into creating a diverse trailer. At the start most of our scenes were with the characters running; this proved that our trailer needed more varied scenes, as ours were far too repetitive, to counter act this: we had to expand on our story idea. With the changes to the plot (posted on ‘Changes to the Plot’) we added more context to our story, and consequently more varied scenes.
The only difficultly that we did have whilst filming (apart from an actor being sick half way through) was the continuance of the shots; this was due to the changing of the seasons, from the beginning of the filming: which was very green, to the end of our time filming: which was very red. But I think that through the editing process that this is not that noticeable, that the audience’s eye will be on more the action in the scene.
One thing that we cannot change is that the picture quality (due to the download format) is not beneficial to the quality of our filming; for this I do have a HD version: this will be seen when the trailer is shown to the prospective audience. But because the HD version was such a high quality it would not post on the ‘Blogger’ site. To get the trailer onto the blog; I had to use a lower quality version, but in retrospect the quality of the picture is not that bad, it just because I prefer the HD version, as it shows our trailer off in the best potential light.

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