Monday, March 12, 2012

Age Rating Slide

Our Age Rating Slide

This slide is going to be seen at the beginning of the trailer; as it indicates what age range this film will be aimed at: with our trailer being aimed at late teens and adults.
To create this slide the programme used was ‘Microsoft Word’; we then changed the layout of the page ( to landscape), we then changed the background so that it was green, then with the usage of a table ( and by merging parts of the columns together) it helped to create the final product (shown above).
The American version (seen bellow) was important inspiration, in the placement of objects for our version. The only difference being: that instead of having ‘By the Motion Picture Association of America’ we had “By the British Board of Film Classification’ as it was more relevant to our product. Also we imported the ’15’ age rating; and placed it in the space of the ‘R’ rating, this then made it the British equivalent. The final thing was to get the logo from the American version (situated on the second collumn on the far right) this then allowed it to be a similar copy (to that of the American version) but made it relevant to our project, and shows the development of an alternative resource.
Ours is based on -
American Age Rating Slide (taken from Google)

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