Monday, March 12, 2012

When should our film be released?


With what time that our trailer should be marketed at is a hard question to answer, when should it be released in to the cinema or the advertising start?


For my trailer (and the film) the setting is in the autumn with it slightly going over into the winter; for me this is the time when it should be released into the cinema, this is help to integrate the audience into the story, as this is building a comparison to the setting of the film. As this film would be Low Budget it fits more into the Main Stream market; and so does not have to co-inside with the summer block busters or the Sundance Film Festival.

What festivals could it be showcased in (if any)?:

There could be the possibility that the film could be showcased in London at the ‘Zero Film Festival’; this festival is internally made up from self-financed films, and made up by independent film makers. Film Festivals such as the ‘Zero Film Festival’ could be a good place to show case this film; as it could be paid for by the directors (my work college and I) so would be eligible to be entered into such an event. This would also be a good place to start to get recognised for the work, and so would start to help build up a reputation in the film industry.

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