Friday, March 16, 2012

Ancillary task 1

With this poster I have made the character smaller so that you can see more of the title; if it was a more well-known magazine (like Empire) they can afford to have less of the title seen as they are a popular. As my magazine is only just starting out; it needs to have the title seen so that it would be easily recognisable, and people are more likely to buy it.

With the colours used on the poster; I tried to carry on the idea of the autumn setting: this includes the gold’s and the light greens. This then contrasts with the navy blue of the jumper; with using the red to highlight certain colours of the text (as well as the black), this helps to draw the eye to the different areas of the text.
With the text it sharp and got clean lines; this helps the text to be visible even with some of the smaller text. It also makes it legible at a distance; this would be beneficial for if this magazine were to be sold in a store, as it would help to make it seem more professional.

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