Monday, March 19, 2012

QR-Code - links to trailer on YouTube

To access the trailer through the poster is a new concept, which is slowly coming into fashion. The idea of this concept is that: you can scan the barcode with your smart phone; this then allows you to be directed to the webpage that’s imbedded into it.
In relation to the ancillary task: the film poster; this then allows a cross media link to be formed, and intern allows another media technology to be formed. The site used to create/ generate the code is; this allowed me to be able to generate my own code, so that it would only link to my site ( and my clip). To enable this to work propally I had to paced in my code (after uploading the clip to YouTube): another link to the clip is , as it was not easy to find (due to the fact it had no views).

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