Monday, March 12, 2012

Voice Overs

To add more interest to the film trailer; I decided that to make the trailer more effective by adding in a voiceover, as it would add some variety to the voices heard throughout the clips (instead of just my own). With the voiceovers I broke the general convention of film trailers; this is using a teenage girl’s voice instead of a deeper male voice that you tend to always hear. Why I broke this convention was to keep the continuance of the trailer, and it would be still in keeping with the storyline. As we have no male characters in our trailer; it would be out of context to have a male voice if you had not heard any male voices throughout the trailer, and it would not make any sense, and would confuse the audience.

The First 3 Clips:

The first three clips are very quiet; they were the first ones taken, and were done as an experiment to see what the voiceover would sound like at the different intervals. For me the idea of them is good. But they did cause some unrest between my college and myself, as we both wanted to do this different ways. The idea of the voice “They weren't expecting it all to change”, "it took a turn for the worst" and “History can repeat itself” gives a sinister tone; which helps to build up the suspence,  and give subital questions to the audience, such as: what will can, and reitterating the fact that this event has happened before, and will claim even more lives.
Clip no.1 - "They weren't expecting it all to change"

Clip no.2 - "It took a turn for the worst"

Clip no.3 - "History can repeat itself"

The Next 5 clips:

With the next 5 clips the main aspect of these were to get the voiceovers louder, so that they  could be heard, and were loud enough to go in with the music.
In regarding the 3 inisial quotes I decided that it would be better to shorten “they weren’t expecting it all to change” to “everything can change” as the original quote was far to long. Here the main aspect was not the variety of the qoutes; but it was the volume needed to be louder, this is why there are more clips. Because the previous 3 clips had been so quiet it made it hard to edit them to a louder scale ( to make the clips audiable) and to make them legiable. This is why  there are multiple copies so that the different patterning of the voice could be picked up, and gave more of a selection that I could use in the final product.

Clip no.4

Clip no.5

Clip no.6

Clip no.8


1 comment:

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